Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Let the holiday fun continue!!

As we began to celebrate the season, we took a short trip to Nashville to see ICE and stay at the Opryland hotel. The kids loved it and we had some great family time. This is a busy week of food, parties, and presents...all leading up to Santa! Thank God for our wonderful blessings and Happy Birthday Jesus. Merry Christmas to all.....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

WOW....December already!

The kids have been so excited and we are getting ready for Christmas. Sparkles the elf made his arrival this week and is keeping a close watch on Morgan and Jacob. The December calendar is filling up quickly. Morgan is in two parades this week and it is going to be cold! Here is a sneak peek of the Carroll family Christmas card!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Anyone call a doctor?

We hope everyone had a Happy Halloween, we had lots of fun trick or treating! Doctor Carroll and Nurse Morgan made a few house calls. We are gearing up for the holidays!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fall Fun

Thanks to Reed's Mimi everyone had lots of fun at the annual Count's family fall festival! Jacob loved the tractors, wagons, and the hayride! He was not a fan of the spooky house. Morgan had a blast with her friends! Both kids crashed on the way home.
We are looking forward to a great halloween weekend. War Eagle and Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Baby Cole and Ready for Miley Cyrus

Our fall break flew by....I still had volleyball practice and games all week. We took one day off to babysit Cole and Wiley for a little while. Last night Daddy took Morgan to see Miley Cyrus! She is still wearing her t shirt this morning. I got a snapshot before they left. She is 6 going on 16!!!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Somebody had a good doctor visit so his Daddy took him to see Ryan's firetruck!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My first grader

Morgan is such a big girl, we had lots of homework last night and it is fascinating to see how much she is learning and how she is so "grown up." I wanted to share a couple of first day photos!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Back from Disney and Morgan is off to 1st grade!

WOW....Where has the summer gone! We spent the last week of July at Disney and then came home and got ready for school to start. Volleyball practice is in full swing for mommy so we are all super busy! Morgan also started 1st grade this week. I will update a picture of her later. For now I am sharing some Disney photos.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Playroom redo

I have been slowly working to redo the playroom to make it not so "girly." I have painted, new curtains, new rugs, and this fabulous photo and frame!! Thanks to Heather at Heather Mitchell photography and to the Dennis' at Simply squared for the great frame!!!!

I wanted to share my new pic of the kids!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Celebrating the 4th

We had a great time this weekend celebrating the 4th! Morgan decorated the lake house with lights, tablecloths, and she made goody bags for Jacob and Wiley.
The kids loved the water! Morgan caught her first fish too!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A busy June...Dance recital and the beach

As soon as school got out we got busy. We had a full week of VBS, dance rehearsal, and the recital. We left for the beach on Sunday! It was a wonderful time for a break. THe kids loved Aqualand at the Holiday Inn Sunspree in PCB. Thanks to Nanny for taking us along on her trip! I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jesse Owens Race

For the third year Morgan decided to run the one mile in the Jesse Owens race. She did a great job with a time of 11:43! This year Mimi thought it would be a great idea for her to pull Jacob and Wiley in the wagon. She had plans for them to run across the finish line. Wiley cooperated....Jacob did not! He sat down on the track and refused to run. Jacob crossed the finish line being pulled in the wagon and loved it!!! Running is not for him(he must get that from his mom!)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Where did April go???

Looking at my calender I cannot believe May is almost here! I have gotten behind on my updates. After Jacob's birthday things seemed to happen in a flash. We celebrated Easter, went to NYC for Spring Break, and had another dance competition. Before we know it school will be out!

Here are a few shots from the last month! I hope everyone is ready for summer!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Jacob!

Jacob celebrated his 2nd birthday today! Everyone had a blast at Jacob's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party! Mimi did a great job creating the clubhouse cake and Nanny made Jacob's favorite mac n cheese.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A cold start to March!

Morgan was up early this morning to check the weather, she went to play at 6:45 am!!! After we found out church was cancelled, we got Jacob ready for his first time to play in the snow. The kids and Jake had a blast!!! What a way for March to begin...sadly it has already melted away.